How We Help
Your expectations for safety and risk metrics is about to go up.

Executive Leadership
Higher performing cultures win more profitable work, retain their top talent longer and have few unplanned incidents.
Download our paper for more specific details and proof points.
Avoiding serious injuries fatalities requires executives to look beyond form audits and inspections. Leaders need an integrated, clear and actionable view of their leading metrics (incident prevention systems, defense systems) and lagging metrics (incidents/accidents)
SmartTagIt provides executive teams an unprecedented and highly effective way to visualize their culture, incident prevention system health, sites and leadership teams. No other safety management system gives more a flexible and accurate set of indicators of risk and clarity for effective action.
Visualize How Operational Decisions Impact Your Culture Over Time
Observer, Project, Safety System Health Indexes
Planning Conversation Analysis
Predictive Modeling-Using AI, ML and NLP
Safety Executives
Healthy engagement in critical safety systems reduces the risk of Serious Injury or Death in the workplace
We help you look beyond measuring or predicting which project or site is more at risk. We support
all incident reduction methodologies. SmartTagIt meets you where you are on the incident
reduction journey, ranging from true beginners to those supporting those with complex, mature
defense systems- including a combination human factor analysis, behavior and compliance.
Safety Executives use SmartTagIt to create custom risk indexes that allow them to organize and
prioritize the deployment of resources. Indexes range from simple one or two factor metrics up to
more complex models involving dozens of different factors. Safety teams decide which factors
matter most, can weight each one independently and often integrate values from data sources
other SmartTagIt.
Observer, Project and System Health Indexes
Flexible Multi-Factor Visualization
Custom Project, Observer and Hazard Communication Indexes (written, multiple system, transcription)

Site and Project Leadership
Better daily planning reduces rework, lower incident rates and improve delivery.
Site leaders are increasingly bombarded with requests to collect, distribute and store site safety information. Too often these information reporting requirements are not in one system or still collected on paper and shuffled around until they end up in a cardboard box for storage.
SmartTagIt is designed to make it easy to integrate these multiple requirements in a simple, easy to use application for collection, reporting and analysis. Designed to encourage engagement and utilization, the information being collected means less pencil whipping and stacks of unwanted forms.
Teams love it because it is simple to use, saves precious time and it provides a natural, easy way to reward and recognize the desired behaviors that prevent injuries and increase productivity.
Leaders love it because it helps them show the real progress and health of the systems they are investing in to protect those closest to the work.
Multiple Safety Reporting Requirements- PTP, Observation, Inspection, Permits
Real Time Coaching
Accelerate Lessons Learned and Best Practice Sharing With Peer to Peer Learning
Badges Rules Engines and Automated Rewards
Those Closest to the Work
Feel Respected, Are More Engaged, And Return Home Safely to their Families
Employees today need to know that their employer cares about their health and safety.
SmartTagIt encourages more effective daily engagement in the conversations between peers about the hazards and how to mitigate the associated potential risks.
Those closest to the work appreciate being recognized for their contributions and for a job well done. With SmartTagIt individuals demonstrate and share what they learned with their peers and with team members on other worksites.
SmartTagIt’s automated reward and recognition system matched to your existing recognition system, those closest to the work feel recognized and appreciated for cultivating that behaviors that protect themselves and their team members.
Observer, Project and System Health Indexes
Flexible Multi-Factor Visualization
Custom Project, Observer and Hazard Communication Indexes (written, multiple system, transcription)